Fan footage (2019) explores the themes in The Myth of Sisyphus written by Albert Camus. In the myth, a man is faced with the impossible task of pushing a large boulder up to the top of a very steep, and actually never-ending, mountain. Every time the boulder falls back down the mountain, Sisyphus just turns around to start anew, despite obvious frustration and utter disappointment. By filming myself pushing leaves towards a fan, always blowing them away, I am referencing the same process that Sisyphus experienced with the boulder. However, for me, this is less about trying and failing as much as it’s about the organization of inevitable chaos and growing comfortable with that. Fan footage is a twist on pushing the rock uphill. Rather than being about futility, it is a bit more optimistic.

Fan footage (2019) is a twist on The Myth of Sisyphus. In the myth, a man is faced with the impossible task of pushing a large boulder up to the top of a very steep, and actually never-ending, mountain. Every time the boulder falls back down the mountain, Sisyphus turns around to start anew, despite obvious frustration and utter disappointment. 

By filming myself pushing leaves towards a fan, which is always blowing them away, I am referencing the process that Sisyphus experienced with the boulder. However, for me, this is more about embracing the inevitability of chaos than it is about the futility of the task. Fan Footage is meant to be more optimistic.